I agree that the OP measured incorrectly. That being said, I disagree with both OldGuy and RoyceP as to whaqt the wheels are. The widest Styled Steel Wheel that Ford made that looked like these was in 19678, and it was 5.5" eide. The 1965-66 SSW were 5.00" wide.Even the widest SteeL Wheel that Ford made from 1960-68 was only 6" wide.
So, either the OP's wheels are eithe 5.00 otr 5.5" wide, or they are a very, vety early w2ide reproduction of Ford's SSW. I say very, very early because riveted wheels were deemed illegal by the DOT at some time after 1967 (I can't remember what year, but maybe someone can help me out.
I have attached a listing of wheelsw for all models 1960-68 from the 1960-68 Ford Master Parts Catalog.