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Needed transport 20 foot Montrose trailer from Mecum Indy

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The Montrose 20' trailer only weighs 2050lbs.


--- Quote from: preaction on May 17, 2023, 01:59:25 PM ---The Montrose 20' trailer only weighs 2050lbs.

--- End quote ---
Did you include the weight of the air inside?


--- Quote from: jwc66k on May 17, 2023, 02:51:09 PM ---Did you include the weight of the air inside?

--- End quote ---
Aw c'mon...simply vacuum out the air and save all that weight!

Here's the trailer.  I got a guy on uship with great reviews to haul it to my place quickly. Wasn't cheap but neat me having to drive the 18-20 hours round trip time plus gas to get it myself.

I hooked it up empty though I didn't vacuum out the air and the tongue weight was only 100 pounds.  I'm guessing I could really adjust where the car is to keep the tongue down low or roughly 500 pounds.

As for camping,  a number of people who saw the trailer for the first time mentioned the same thing.


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