1st Generation 1964 1/2 - 1973 - Questions & general discussions that apply to a specific year > 1970 Boss

Trunk lid prop rod finish - Dearborn


I am trying to determine what the original finish was on a trunk lid prop rod. The one fitted to my 11/15/69 Dearborn BOSS is showing some signs of aging and also damage where sudden gust of wind caught the trunk lid and bent the rod slightly at a recent show. I need to repair it.

I had a look at some of the photos in this thread but could not determine what the coating/plating was. For reference the plating on mine looks identical to the 4th photo in Jeffs first post on the green trunk lid retaining clip.


Any help would be appreciated.

Wow not sure how this one got over looked. Know I've been distracted since the first of the month or so but lets see if we can help.

First lets look to see what we have as far as original examples from Dearborn for 1970 production year. To me it appears to have been cad or a dull zinc. Best guess IMHO cad

0F125xxx and 0F126xxx



Clip and end cap hole for end of prop rod. Well used with some plating damage and surface rust  ::)
For those comparing the clips and the hole are in different locations than we see in the Metuchen examples from 1970 production in the other thread


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