ConcoursMustang Forums

1st Generation 1964 1/2 - 1973 - Questions & general discussions that apply to a specific year => 1964 1/2 - 1965 => Topic started by: CharlesTurner on December 15, 2009, 11:50:44 PM

Title: Earliest use of 5TPZ AM radio?
Post by: CharlesTurner on December 15, 2009, 11:50:44 PM
There was a reply to a post I made, maybe on another forum, having to do with the radio I installed in the K convertible I'm restoring.  I installed an AM that starts with a '5' on the dial.  I have a photo on the K convertible before I disassembled it which clearly shows a '5' dial.  Unfortunately, I did not keep good track of that radio and it got mixed up with all my other ones.

The K convertible is an early February '65 San Jose car.  I think I was able to find a couple other examples, but though I would throw this out there to query the folks here.  Anyone with a car close in production that was originally radio-equipped?

Based on what little I have found, the 5TMZ (starts with a 6) and the 5TPZ (starts with a 5) were used concurrently through '65 production.
Title: Re: Earliest use of 5TPZ AM radio?
Post by: ChrisV289 on December 16, 2009, 08:04:09 AM

My San Jose car built 10/29/64 has a radio that starts with a 6. Does this help?
Title: Re: Earliest use of 5TPZ AM radio?
Post by: Murf on December 16, 2009, 12:47:44 PM
Charles, the original radio from my Dearborn 65 hipo , with a scheduled build date of April 22, 1965 is stamped 5TMZ. The first number on the selector dial is a "6". I am 99% certain this radio was installed when the car was built since I have owned it since 84 and am the third owner. By the way, it has never worked worth a damm and will come on very loud with no warning and  scare the soup out of me and just as suddenly turn itself off for two or three more years. (I call it Christine). Just a quirk that makes me smile when  I think of it.  Replaced it with an AM/FM which at least turns off and on when I want it to and is consistant in behavior.